Running Injuries

What is a Trigger Point?

 You know the feeling – an achey or throbbing pain in your neck that doesn’t seem to go away. We’ve…


Starting a New Workout

By Mary Buzzard, PT, DPT, OCS During the stay at home order, everyone has experienced a major change in routine….


Benefits of Massage

By: Maeva Braxton, CMT This blog post was written by one of our partners, Maeva Braxton, CMT. Maeva has been…


Home Gym Physical Therapy

This weeks blog post will be discussing and demonstrating exercises that can be done at home with minimal equipment. These…


Runner’s Knee: Part II

Runner’s Knee: Part 2  The last blog was an introduction to runner’s knee, discussing symptoms and causes. Today’s post will…


Achilles Tendinopathy

What is the Achilles tendon? The Achilles tendon is the largest and strongest tendon in the body. It connects your…


Runner’s Knee: Part 1

What is Runner’s Knee? Runner’s Knee refers to general anterior knee pain around the knee cap or patella. It arises…


Running 101: Part III

GAIT Our discussion on running continues! Today, we will talk about gait. Gait is basically the way you run. It…


Running 101: Part II

Welcome back to our running series. This post will discuss some of the things that you can do besides run…


Running 101

This is the beginning of an introductory series for people just getting into running or people who have been running…
