Mid Back and Rib Pain
The thoracic spine spans from the lowest part of the neck, through the ribcage, to the upper part of the low back. Pain in the mid/upper back, ribcage, and shoulder blades are often interconnected.

Rib Pain
Ribs may become misaligned or subluxed as a result of an injury. It is also possible to strain the muscles located in between each rib. Symptoms of rib pain include pain with deep breathing, coughing and sneezing, and increased sensitivity to direct pressure such as pushing or laying on your ribcage.Â
An abnormal lateral curvature of the spine is referred to as scoliosis. More severe cases are often corrected during childhood, but mild cases may still impact your ability to properly move through your spine. Physical therapy will focus on improving spinal mobility and core stability.Â
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
Thoracic outlet syndrome is caused by compression of nerves or blood vessels near the neck. Through a detailed physical therapy assessment, we can help you decrease this compression through targeted mobility and strengthening activities.Â