What is a Trigger Point?

 You know the feeling – an achey or throbbing pain in your neck that doesn’t seem to go away. We’ve all experienced these painful knots in our muscles, but what exactly are they? Physical therapists refer to these knots as trigger points. Here is what we know about them: ·  A trigger point is a…

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Starting a New Workout

By Mary Buzzard, PT, DPT, OCS During the stay at home order, everyone has experienced a major change in routine. Gyms are closed, but we still need to exercise. I have had some patients and friends reach out to me in the last week with new aches and pains from starting different exercise routines. I…

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Benefits of Massage

By: Maeva Braxton, CMT This blog post was written by one of our partners, Maeva Braxton, CMT. Maeva has been a massage therapist for over 18 years and specializes in Trigger Point Therapy. Maeva has been very helpful over the years assisting our patients return to full function and helping to maintain that function with…

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